Rails ActiveRecord: Get Source Insert ID

sql = DmozCategory.send(:sanitize_sql_array, ["INSERT INTO dmoz_categories (id, dmoz_category_title, dmoz_category_name, dmoz_category_description, created_at, updated_at, dmoz_category_lastupdate) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, NOW(), NOW(), ?)", result['catid'], result['title'], result['name'], result['description'], result['lastupdate']]) res = DmozCategory.connection.execute(sql) $stderr.puts res.inspect 

res always nil , although I can see that DmozCategory inserts into the database. How to get id after my insert?

I understand that to get the identifier I could use a different SQL query SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() , but I was wondering if there is a way to get the identifier via Rails. M

Reference: Using Rails 2.3.14

UPDATE : Hmm, I think the problem is with the plugin that I use called Octopus . Sorry for discounting some of your answers. It looks like I need to find how to get the last insert id using this plugin. My total ratio:

 desc "load all categories from dmoz" # With this one we're loading all the 'structure' table in, not the parent-child relationships. task :load_categories_from_dmoz, [ :offset, :limit ] => :environment do |t, args| offset = !args[:offset].blank? ? args[:offset].to_i : 0 # Take offset from args. Default of 0 limit = !args[:limit].blank? ? args[:limit].to_i : 1 # Take limit from args. Default of 1 ActiveRecord::Base.octopus_establish_connection(:adapter=> "mysql", :host=> "localhost", :database => "dmoz", :username => "dmoz", :password => "dmoz") results = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT * FROM structure LIMIT #{ offset }, #{ limit }") # Fetches it directly from the dmoz database. count = offset conn = ActiveRecord::Base.octopus_establish_connection(:adapter=> "mysql", :host=> "localhost", :database => "talon_development", :username => "rails_shadow", :password => "husky") results.each do |result| if count % 1000 == 0 puts count end count +=1 begin sql = DmozCategory.send(:sanitize_sql_array, ["INSERT INTO dmoz_categories (id, dmoz_category_title, dmoz_category_name, dmoz_category_description, created_at, updated_at, dmoz_category_lastupdate) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, NOW(), NOW(), ?)", result['catid'], result['title'], result['name'], result['description'], result['lastupdate']]) #We leave parent_id NULL for the next task to handle relationships DmozCategory.connection.execute(sql) #doesn't get the ID.. end end end 
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6 answers

In general, use connection.insert instead of connection.insert

This will return the generated identifier of the last inserted row. How it depends on the database. In MySQL, the last insert identifier is a connection property. In Postgres, the return clause is added to the request (with older versions of postgres, the reserve requests a sequence for its last id).

Using insert rather than execute also clears the relay request cache.

In MySQL, at least this will work even if you set the identifier yourself .


I think the insert_sql method should help you

 DmozCategory.connection.insert_sql(sql) # => id 

try this since AR defines id before pasting in 2.3

id = DmozCategory.connection.next_sequence_value (DmozCategory.sequence_name)


If it is a mysql2 stone and DmozCategory.connection is an instance of the client, DmozCategory.connection.last_id will work.


Since you already know the id , can you do this?

 dmoz_category = DmozCategory.find(result['id']) $stderr.puts dmoz_category.inspect 

Assuming you are using MYSQL and automatically increasing the number of tables, you can use:


to do what it says, take the last inserted ID into the table. This will add another query to your code, but it seems to be using your raw SQL.


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