Git connect using ssh on windows

I read a few questions but could not find a solution to this problem

I have git on windows and I want to connect to github using ssh. Following this guide I have successfully installed my keys

If I open git - bash and try ssh github, I can connect, so this works

ssh -T Hi username! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access. 

that means git - bash really sees my keys. However, if I try to push

 git push origin master 

git asks for username and password
Thank you for your help.

EDIT: solved using git protocol instead of http protocol, my mistake
so replace it 

whit this :_user_/_repository_.git 

in remote link

source share
2 answers

You probably cloned a remote server that uses the https protocol, not the git protocol. You need to redefine your remote for the source.

 # Change this as needed. github_username="$LOGNAME" # Replace your remote, then push. git remote rm origin git remote add origin " :${github_username}/${PWD##*/}.git" git push --tags --set-upstream origin master 

No need to remove / add, just do something like this:

 git remote set-url origin :username/repo.git 

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