How to add custom header to rml report in openerp?

How to add a new header / footer for the report (for example, collecting the list in the order of delivery), except for the header / footer defined in the company?

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4 answers

In the report tag put header = 'False', for example.

<report header='False' auto="False" id="report_product_history" model="product.product" name="stock.product.history" string="Stock Level Forecast"/> 

he will not print the default header definition in the company. then in the rml file find the <pageTemplate> and replace it with rml code. eg.

  <template pageSize="(595.0,842.0)" title="Test" author="Atul Makwana" allowSplitting="20"> <pageTemplate id="first"> ***Your rml header & footer*** </pageTemplate> </template> 

This way you can put a new header and footer.


One way to remove the header is that Atul suggested to declare it in the report tag.

 <report header="False" auto="False" id="report_product_history" model="product.product" name="stock.product.history" string="Stock Level Forecast"/> 

In some situations, there is no report tag. For example, a report can only be created by a wizard. In this case, you can declare it as a parameter when registering the parser. For an example, see the mrp_operations barcode report module.

 class code_barcode(report_sxw.rml_parse): def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context): super(code_barcode, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context=context) self.localcontext.update({ 'time': time, }) report_sxw.report_sxw('report.mrp.code.barcode', 'mrp_operations.operation.code', 'addons/mrp_operations/report/mrp_code_barcode.rml', parser=code_barcode, header=False) 

You can also specify a specific title using this parameter. By default, it is equal to 'external' , but it can be either 'internal' or 'internal landscape' use one of the other headers from the company configuration.


You can customize the report title in the report.rml file as follows:

 <pageTemplate id="first"> <frame id="first" x1="57.0" y1="115.0" width="481" height="615"/> <header> <pageGraphics> <image x="1.3cm" y="26.0cm" height="90.0">[[company.logo or removeParentNode('image')]]</image> <drawString x="10.9cm" y="2.9cm">Signature:</drawString> <drawString x="12.7cm" y="2.9cm">___________________________________</drawString> </pageGraphics> </header> </pageTemplate> 

In the header of the report set = 'False'

Now you can add your own header on the page

 <template title="Test" author="Sagar" allowSplitting="20"> <pageTemplate id="first"> <frame id="first" x1="15.0" y1="42.0" width="539" height="758"/> <pageGraphics> <!-- ================== Header =============== --> <image x="14cm" y="25.6cm" height="40.0">[[ company.logo or removeParentNode('image') ]]</image> <setFont name="Helvetica" size="10.0"/> <drawString x="1cm" y="27.2cm">Main Header</drawString> <!-- Order Details --> <place x="33" y="18cm" width="530.0" height="205.0"> <blockTable colWidths="265,265" style="Table1"> <tr> <td>Header Value 1</td> <td><para style="normal2-center">Header Value 2</para></td> </tr> </blockTable> </place> <!-- ======================== footer =========================== --> <place x="33" y="55cm" width="530.0" height="205.0"> <blockTable colWidths="265" style="Table1"> <tr><td><para style="normal2-center">Footer Value</para></td></tr> </blockTable> </place> </pageGraphics> </pageTemplate> </template> 

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