Ggplot2: Thresholds for scale_alpha ()

Can I set thresholds for color scales?

Take a look at this example:

xy <- expand.grid(x=1:20,y=1:20) xyd <- data.frame(xy,z=runif(400),a=rowSums(xy)/40) g <- ggplot(xyd, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=z, alpha=a)) + geom_tile() + scale_alpha(range=c(0,1), limits=c(0.5,1)) g 

Scale_alpha only applies to values ​​within the given limits

I want values ​​below 0.5 to get an alpha value of 0, so the bottom left half will be invisible. Obviously, I could convert the source data, but that would destroy the legend.

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2 answers

The threshold works, and values ​​outside this threshold are set to NA ; the problem is that alpha of NA gets rendered as full opacity. By setting na.value on a scale to 0 , you will get the desired results.

 ggplot(xyd, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=z, alpha=a)) + geom_tile() + scale_alpha(range=c(0,1), limits=c(0.5,1), na.value = 0) 

enter image description here


None of my attempts to use the scales to control alpha have been completely successful. My best attempt was to use ifelse to control the value of a:

 ggplot(xyd, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=z)) + geom_tile(aes(alpha=ifelse(a<=0.5, 0, a))) + scale_alpha(range=c(0,1)) 

enter image description here

So a different approach is required: remove the values ​​that you do not want to display from the data:

 xyd <- with(xyd, xyd[a>0.5, ]) ggplot(xyd, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=z)) + geom_tile(aes(alpha=a)) 

enter image description here


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