Font Awesome does not work in Firefox on optimization and CDN

I use the Awesome Font in my ASP.NET MVC 4 project as UseCdn bundle:

 bundles.UseCdn = true; bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/fontawesome/css") .Include("~/Content/css/font-awesome.css‌​‌​")); BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true; 

However, when I turn on UseCdn and EnableOptimizations , the CSS file does not display in Firefox. It works in Chrome.

What am I doing wrong? How can i fix this? Thanks in advance!

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1 answer

Are you for the proxy? If this is the case, you may run into a security problem, since Firefox will not load a custom font if you are sitting at a proxy. Lift up Firebug, and then look at your page and see if you have errors related to your font not being delivered through your proxy server, as this is a cross-domain request.



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