I am sending letters using a mailbox. Here is my code:
require 'mail' require 'net/smtp' Mail.defaults do delivery_method :smtp, { :address => "smtp.arrakis.es", :port => 587, :domain => 'webmail.arrakis.com', :user_name => ' myname@domain.com ', :password => 'pass', :authentication => 'plain', :enable_starttls_auto => true } end Mail::ContentTypeField.new("text/html")
I do not know how to configure the content type to, for example, format email as html. Although in fact I just want to define bold text, for example, my email client: bold text . Does anyone know what type of content I need to specify in order to achieve this and how to implement it with mail?
Just notice, the code above is great for sending text emails.
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