Calculation of vertex normals of the grid

I legitimately did all the possible research for this, and all this just says is to simply calculate the surface normals of each adjacent face. Calculating surface normals is easy, but how the hell do you find adjacent faces for each vertex? What storage are you using? Am I missing something? Why is it so easy for everyone.

Everyone is welcome any guide.

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1 answer

but how do you find adjacent faces for each vertex?

Think about it elsewhere: Iterate over faces and add vertices to the normal. After you have processed all the faces, normalize the vertex normal to the length of the unit. I described it in detail here.

Calculation of normals in a triangular grid

If you really want to find faces for a vertex, the naive approach is to perform a (linear) search for the vertex in the list of faces. A better approach is to maintain a list of applications.


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