How can I avoid calling a stored procedure from UDF in SQL Server

Before you begin, I know that you cannot call a stored procedure from UDF, and I know that there are different “reasons” for this (none of them make any sense to me, tbh, it just sounds like laziness on Microsoft part).

I'm more interested in how I can develop a system to get around this drawback in SQL Server.

This is a brief overview of the system I currently have:

  • I have a dynamic report generator where users set data items, operators (=, <,! =, Etc.) and filter values. They are used to create “rules” with one or more filters, for example. I may have a rule in which there are two filters: "Category <12" and "Location! =" York ";

  • there are thousands and thousands of these "rules", some of which contain many filters;

  • the conclusion from each of these rules is a statutory report, which always has exactly the same “form”, that is, the same columns / data types. Basically, these reports contain lists of tonnages and materials;

  • I have a scalar function that generates Dynamic SQL for the specified rule, returning it as VARCHAR (MAX);

  • I have a stored procedure that is called to run a specific rule, it calls UDF to generate dynamic SQL, runs it and returns the results (this is used to just return the results, but now I save the output in tables with a key to simplify data transfer, and therefore I return a handle to this data);

  • I have a stored procedure that is called to run all the rules for a particular company, so it creates a list of rules to run, runs them sequentially, and then combines the results together as output.

So everything works fine.

Now I want one last thing, a report that summarizes the company, and then the tonnage / material costs are applied to get the expense report. It seemed such a simple requirement when I started this last week: "(

My report should be a table function for working with the brokerage reporting system that I already wrote. If I write it as a stored procedure, it will not be launched through my report broker, which means that it will not be controlled, i.e. I do not know who launched the report and when.

But I cannot call a stored procedure from a table function and there are two obvious ways to handle it:

  • Get SQL to create the output, run it and suck the results.

    --Method #1 WHILE @RuleIndex <= @MaxRuleIndex BEGIN DECLARE @DSFId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER; SELECT @DSFId = [GUID] FROM NewGUID; --this has to be deterministic, it isn't but the compiler thinks it is and that good enough :D DECLARE @RuleId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER; SELECT @RuleId = DSFRuleId FROM @DSFRules WHERE DSFRuleIndex = @RuleIndex; DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(MAX); --Get the SQL SELECT @SQL = DSF.DSFEngine(@ServiceId, @MemberId, @LocationId, @DSFYear, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, @DSFId, @RuleId); --Run it EXECUTE(@SQL); --Copy the data out of the results table into our local copy INSERT INTO @DSFResults SELECT TableId, TableCode, TableName, RowId, RowName, LocationCode, LocationName, ProductCode, ProductName, PackagingGroupCode, PackagingGroupName, LevelName, WeightSource, Quantity, Paper, Glass, Aluminium, Steel, Plastic, Wood, Other, 0 AS General FROM DSF.DSFPackagingResults WHERE DSFId = @DSFId AND RuleId = @RuleId; SELECT @RuleIndex = @RuleIndex + 1; END; 
  • Report Direct Call

     --Method #2 WHILE @RuleIndex <= @MaxRuleIndex BEGIN DECLARE @DSFId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER; SELECT @DSFId = [GUID] FROM NewGUID; --this has to be deterministic, it isn't but the compiler thinks it is :D DECLARE @RuleId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER; SELECT @RuleId = DSFRuleId FROM @DSFRules WHERE DSFRuleIndex = @RuleIndex; DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(MAX); --Run the report EXECUTE ExecuteDSFRule @ServiceId, @MemberId, @LocationId, @DSFYear, NULL, NULL, NULL, @RuleId, @DSFId, 2; --Copy the data out of the results table into our local copy INSERT INTO @DSFResults SELECT TableId, TableCode, TableName, RowId, RowName, LocationCode, LocationName, ProductCode, ProductName, PackagingGroupCode, PackagingGroupName, LevelName, WeightSource, Quantity, Paper, Glass, Aluminium, Steel, Plastic, Wood, Other, 0 AS General FROM DSF.DSFPackagingResults WHERE DSFId = @DSFId AND RuleId = @RuleId; SELECT @RuleIndex = @RuleIndex + 1; END; 

I can come up with the following workarounds (none of which are particularly satisfactory):

  • rewrite part of this in the CLR (but it’s just a lot of trouble to break the rules);

  • use the stored procedure to create my report (but this means that I lose control over the execution if I do not develop a new system for this SINGLE report, which is different from the many existing reports that all work fine);

  • debug execution from reports, so I have one process for executing the report, and the other is just the output of the results (but not to say when the report completed without additional work);

  • wait until Microsoft sees the point and allows the execution of stored procedures from UDF.

Any other ideas?

Edit May 3, 2013, here is a (very) simple example of how it hangs together:

 --Data to be reported CREATE TABLE DataTable ( MemberId INT, ProductId INT, ProductSize VARCHAR(50), Imported INT, [Weight] NUMERIC(19,2)); INSERT INTO DataTable VALUES (1, 1, 'Large', 0, 5.4); INSERT INTO DataTable VALUES (1, 2, 'Large', 1, 6.2); INSERT INTO DataTable VALUES (1, 3, 'Medium', 0, 2.3); INSERT INTO DataTable VALUES (1, 4, 'Small', 1, 1.9); INSERT INTO DataTable VALUES (1, 5, 'Small', 0, 0.7); INSERT INTO DataTable VALUES (1, 6, 'Small', 1, 1.2); --Report Headers CREATE TABLE ReportsTable ( ReportHandle INT, ReportName VARCHAR(50)); INSERT INTO ReportsTable VALUES (1, 'Large Products'); INSERT INTO ReportsTable VALUES (2, 'Imported Small Products'); --Report Detail CREATE TABLE ReportsDetail ( ReportHandle INT, ReportDetailHandle INT, DatabaseColumn VARCHAR(50), DataType VARCHAR(50), Operator VARCHAR(3), FilterValue VARCHAR(50)); INSERT INTO ReportsDetail VALUES (1, 1, 'ProductSize', 'VARCHAR', '=', 'Large'); INSERT INTO ReportsDetail VALUES (2, 1, 'Imported', 'INT', '=', '1'); INSERT INTO ReportsDetail VALUES (2, 1, 'ProductSize', 'VARCHAR', '=', 'Small'); GO CREATE FUNCTION GenerateReportSQL ( @ReportHandle INT) RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(MAX); SELECT @SQL = 'SELECT SUM([Weight]) FROM DataTable WHERE 1=1 '; DECLARE @Filters TABLE ( FilterIndex INT, DatabaseColumn VARCHAR(50), DataType VARCHAR(50), Operator VARCHAR(3), FilterValue VARCHAR(50)); INSERT INTO @Filters SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY DatabaseColumn), DatabaseColumn, DataType, Operator, FilterValue FROM ReportsDetail WHERE ReportHandle = @ReportHandle; DECLARE @FilterIndex INT = NULL; SELECT TOP 1 @FilterIndex = FilterIndex FROM @Filters; WHILE @FilterIndex IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @SQL = @SQL + ' AND ' + DatabaseColumn + ' ' + Operator + ' ' + CASE WHEN DataType = 'VARCHAR' THEN '''' ELSE '' END + FilterValue + CASE WHEN DataType = 'VARCHAR' THEN '''' ELSE '' END FROM @Filters WHERE FilterIndex = @FilterIndex; DELETE FROM @Filters WHERE FilterIndex = @FilterIndex; SELECT @FilterIndex = NULL; SELECT TOP 1 @FilterIndex = FilterIndex FROM @Filters; END; RETURN @SQL; END; GO CREATE PROCEDURE ExecuteReport ( @ReportHandle INT) AS BEGIN --Get the SQL DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(MAX); SELECT @SQL = dbo.GenerateReportSQL(@ReportHandle); EXECUTE (@SQL); END; GO --Test EXECUTE ExecuteReport 1; EXECUTE ExecuteReport 2; SELECT dbo.GenerateReportSQL(1); SELECT dbo.GenerateReportSQL(2); GO --What I really want CREATE FUNCTION RunReport ( @ReportHandle INT) RETURNS @Results TABLE ([Weight] NUMERIC(19,2)) AS BEGIN INSERT INTO @Results EXECUTE ExecuteReport @ReportHandle; RETURN; END; --Invalid use of a side-effecting operator 'INSERT EXEC' within a function 
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2 answers

If I were in your situation, I would not try to hack something. I would set such objects as follows:

 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ReportCollection] ( [ReportCollectionID] int, [ReportID] int ) CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ReportResult] ( [ReportID] int, [LocationCode] int, [LocationName] nvarchar(max) ) CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_ExecuteReport] ( @ReportID int ) AS INSERT [dbo].[ReportResult] SELECT @ReportID, 1, N'StackOverflow' END CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_RetrieveReportCollectionResults] ( @ReportCollectionID int ) RETURNS @Results TABLE ([ReportID], [LocationCode], [LocationName]) AS BEGIN SELECT * FROM [dbo].[ReportResult] rr JOIN [dbo].[ReportCollection] rc ON rr.ReportID = rc.ReportID WHERE rc.ReportCollectionID = @ReportCollectionID END 

And use them as follows:

 INSERT [dbo].[ReportCollection] VALUES (1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[ReportCollection] VALUES (1, 2) EXEC [dbo].[usp_ExecuteReport] @ReportID = 1 EXEC [dbo].[usp_ExecuteReport] @ReportID = 2 SELECT * FROM [dbo].[udf_RetrieveReportCollectionResults](1) 

Each time you run reports, create a new collection. Your application should start all reports and consolidate the results after that.


If you really want to call the stored procedure from udf (please do not do this), do a search in xp_cmdshell.


If you really want this to work as a function, the worst way would be to integrate the CLR.

You don’t need to repeat everything - just write a CLR wrapper that calls the stored procedure and returns the stored procs result set as your own.

This way all your current SQL development is not affected.


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