I need the push logic broadcast feature in Android to send data messages to other applications that subscribe to content. Subscribing applications should be registered with the filter settings and permissions so that they receive only the data that interests them. This ensures that unnecessary transfers will not be performed continuously, as this will be a waste of resources.
Is there any ready-to-use mechanism for Android?
I watched the intentional broadcasts, but it seems that I am collecting data as possible. I do not have a built-in filtering function. I will always have to send all the data at once, and then unpack and extract the small part that interests me (?)
Then I looked at ContentProviders, but it seems they are not pushing messages to the recipient, but instead they are querying a sql-like query string for the content to be selected. Can ContentProvider click messages on a registered recipient using the request as a filter?
It may be a difficult question to answer, but I give him a chance; What mechanism should I use, or should I write it myself?