Durandal 2.0 route routing with parameterization (same route)

I probably lack something basic, but when creating a navigation, I try to define several parameterized routes in the shell. The idea is that all these routes will pass the user through the same view / vm, but the parameter will determine the content displayed after the ajax call). Routing itself works well, but the header is always passed from the first route on the list.

activate: function () {
    router.makeRelative({moduleId: 'viewmodels'}).map([
            route: 'grid/:page',
            title: 'Title 1',
            moduleId: 'grid',
            nav: 3,
            hash: '#grid/param1'
            route: 'grid/:page',
            title: 'Title 2',
            moduleId: 'grid',
            nav: 2,
            hash: '#grid/param2'
            route: 'grid/:page',
            title: 'Title 3',
            moduleId: 'grid',
            nav: 4,
            hash: '#grid/param3'
            route: 'grid/:page',
            title: 'Title 4',
            moduleId: 'grid',
            nav: 5,
            hash: '#grid/param4'

, , , " 1". Nav . . shell.html splat , , .

, , ?


'grid/:page'. , grid/:page . http://durandaljs.com/documentation/Using-The-Router/.

router.navigationModel() .


1 grid (/:page).

    .makeRelative({moduleId: 'viewmodels'})
            route: 'grid(/:page)',
            title: 'grid page',
            moduleId: 'grid',
            hash: '#grid'


define(['plugins/router', 'knockout', './navItem'], function( router, ko, NavItem ) {

    var ctor = function(){
        this.childRouter = router;
        this.param = ko.observable('');

        this.navigation = ko.observableArray([
           new NavItem({title: 'Title 1', param: 'param1'}),
           new NavItem({title: 'Title 2', param: 'param2'}),
           new NavItem({title: 'Title 3', param: 'param3'}),
           new NavItem({title: 'Title 4', param: 'param4'})

    ctor.prototype.activate = function(param){
        this.param('Param: ' + (param || 'no param!'));

    return ctor;



define(['plugins/router'], function( router ) {

    var ctor = function(options){
      this._options = options || {};

    ctor.prototype.init = function(options){
        this.title = options.title;
        this.param = options.param;
        this.hash = '#extras/optional/' + this.param;

    ctor.prototype.isActive = function(){
      return router.activeInstruction().fragment === this.hash.replace('#', '');

    return ctor;


<div class="navbar">
      <div class="navbar-inner">
          <ul class="nav" data-bind="foreach: navigation">
              <li data-bind="css: { active: isActive() }">
                  <a data-bind="attr: { href: hash }, html: title"></a>
          <div class="loader pull-right" data-bind="css: { active: childRouter.isNavigating }">
              <i class="icon-spinner icon-2x icon-spin"></i>
          <h3 data-bind="text: param"></h3>

: http://dfiddle.imtqy.com/dFiddle-2.0/#extras/optional. .


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