I have something called Generator
trait Generator[A, B] { def generate(in: Seq[A]): Seq[B] }
I can provide a Bind
instance for this generator:
object Generator { implicit def generatorBind[T]: Bind[({type l[B] = Generator[T, B]})#l] = new Bind[({type l[B] = Generator[T, B]})#l] { def map[A, B](generator: Generator[T, A])(f: A => B): Generator[T, B] = new Generator[T, B] { def generate(in: Seq[T]): Seq[B] = generator.generate(in).map(f) } def bind[A, B](generator: Generator[T, A])(f: A =>Generator[T, B]): Generator[T, B] = new Generator[T, B] { def generate(in: Seq[T]): Seq[B] = generator.generate(in).flatMap(v => f(v).generate(in)) } } }
Unfortunately, type inference is completely lost if I try to use my generators as applicative instances:
val g1 = new Generator[Int, Int] { def generate(seq: Seq[Int]) = seq.map(_ + 1) } val g2 = new Generator[Int, Int] { def generate(seq: Seq[Int]) = seq.map(_ + 10) } // doesn't compile // can make it compile with ugly type annotations val g3 = ^(g1, g2)(_ / _)
My only workaround now was to add a specialized method to the Generator
def ^[T, A, B, C](g1: Generator[T, A], g2: Generator[T, B])(f: (A, B) => C) = generatorBind[T].apply2(g1, g2)(f)
Then it compiles:
val g4 = Generator.^(g1, g2)(_ / _)
Is there a workaround for this problem? I believe this is due to the fact that using State[S, A]
as Monad
poses the same question (but in Scalaz, there seems to be a special treatment for State