With MongoDB 3.6 and later, you can use the $expr
operator in a href = "https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/db.collection.find/#db.collection.find" rel = "nofollow noreferrer "> find()
. This allows you to create query expressions that compare fields from the same document at the $match
stage. p>
db.customer.find({ "$expr": { "$eq": [{ "$month": "$bday" }, 9] } })
For other versions of MongoDB, consider starting an aggregation pipeline that uses the $redact
operator, since it allows you to include one pipeline, functionality with $project
to create a field that represents the month of the date field and $match
to filter out documents that match the given month status in September.
In the above example, $redact
uses the $cond
tenary operator as a means of providing a conditional expression that will create a system variable that does the editing. The logical expression in $cond
will check for equality of the field of the date operator with the given value, if it matches, then $redact
will return documents using the $$KEEP
system variable, and otherwise using $$PRUNE
Execution of the following pipeline should give the desired result:
db.customer.aggregate([ { "$match": { "bday": { "$exists": true } } }, { "$redact": { "$cond": [ { "$eq": [{ "$month": "$bday" }, 9] }, "$$KEEP", "$$PRUNE" ] } } ])
This is similar to $project
+ $match
, but you will need to select all the other fields that go into the pipeline:
db.customer.aggregate([ { "$match": { "bday": { "$exists": true } } }, { "$project": { "month": { "$month": "$bday" }, "bday": 1, "field1": 1, "field2": 1, ..... } }, { "$match": { "month": 9 } } ])
With another alternative, albeit slow query, using the find()
method with $where
db.customer.find({ "$where": "this.bday.getMonth() === 8" })