Displays point labels in a panel - jqPlot

I have a bar with several colors that looks like this enter image description here

The code I used:

$(document).ready(function(){ var line1 = [['Kliks', 119],['Unieke kliks', 91],['Afgemeld', 12]]; $('#chart3').jqplot([line1], { seriesColors:['#74b6e7', '#003246', '#e22a20'], pointLabels:{show:true, stackedValue: true}, seriesDefaults:{ renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer, rendererOptions: { varyBarColor: true } }, series:[ {pointLabels:{ show: true, labels:['119', '91', '12'] }}], axes:{ xaxis:{ renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer } } }); }); 

I would like to display the values โ€‹โ€‹of the points of the bar so that the chart looks like this: enter image description here

Is it possible? I tried with pointLabels but they did not display

 series:[ {pointLabels:{ show: true, labels:['119', '91', '12'] }}], 
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2 answers

It was a bit to crack the alignment of labels horizontally, so I used Jquery (for two elements and CSS for one in between). A.

Here is the script for the label values:

  series:[ {pointLabels:{ show: true, location:'s', ypadding : 5, }}], 



I managed to display the dots, here is the code I used

  seriesColors:['#74b6e7', '#003246', '#e22a20'], seriesDefaults:{ renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer, shadow: false, barPadding: 0, barMargin: 0, barWidth: 51, //groups: 1, rendererOptions: { fillToZero: true, varyBarColor: true }, pointLabels: { show: false } }, series:[ {pointLabels:{ show: true, labels:['119', '91', '12'] }}], 

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