I have two DateTime
$lastDate = $entity->getDate(); // is a DateTime with same format as $today $today = \DateTime::createFromFormat('!Ym-d', date('Ym-d'));
Now I want to check whether these two dates will be on the same day or if they are more than one day $lastDay
(but this will also include if $lastDay
at 11 p.m. yesterday and $today
is 1 a.m. day).
What am i still
$diff = $today->diff($lastDate); if($diff->days > 0) { $return = false; } else { $return = true; }
The problem is that it seems to be considered if the dates are more than 24 hours apart and only sets to true
, if so.
I could think of comparing them by comparing $date->format('d');
but that will mean that I check the year and month. I know this will work flawlessly, but it will be five-line or so.
So my question is: is there a more efficient way to test this? Any operation like diff()
that gives me the result in a single line sheet?
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