Running dependencies in the console for requirejs

Is there any trick for registering require.js loadable modules in the console? e.g. loading jQuery loading underline loading baseline

I need this to understand how long it takes to download each module and register it in order to test it in different environments.

Thank you Mandar Katre

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1 answer

You can try something similar to this script and use the internal API onResourceLoad . This will not give a completely accurate load time, but it will give you an idea of ​​which modules were requested and how long after a given start time they were loaded.

require = {
    paths: {
        "jquery": "",
        "underscore": ""
    shim: {
        "underscore": {
            deps: ["jquery"],
            exports: "_"
<script src=""></script>
requirejs.onResourceLoad = function(context, map, depArray) {
    var duration = new Date() - start;
    console.log("onResourceLoad", duration + "ms",;

and this is js

start = +new Date();

require(["jquery", "underscore"], function() {
    // log the global context defineds
    console.log("require.s.contexts._.defined", require.s.contexts._.defined);

Produces this output in a test:

onResourceLoad 140ms jquery
onResourceLoad 167ms underscore
require.s.contexts._.defined  Object {jquery: function, underscore: function}

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