I hit my head several times about this, it seems that I could not find worthy answers or explanations for these errors. I use the third-party JAR "PropHandler.jar", I try to call the getMessageList method, it takes 3 arguments and requires a configuration file.
<cfset configFile = 'C:\data\getMsgListCONFIG.xml'>
<cfset Obj = createObject("java","client.PropHandler") />
<cfdump var="#Obj#">
Everything is fine here, my dump returns a list of methods. Now I need to get my configuration file in the method and pass my arguments, without love here, I tried this:
<cfset x = Obj.getMessageList.init(configFile)>
<cfset x = Obj.getMessageList().init(configFile)>
<cfset x = Obj.getMessageList('identifier', 'greaterthan', '2012-05-18T12:00:00-04:00').init(configFile)>
And even tried to initialize by creating an object:
<cfset Obj = createObject("java","client.PropHandler").getMessageList('identifier', 'greaterthan', '2012-05-18T12:00:00-04:00').init(configFile)>
All Return the same error:
Object Creation Exception
Java . . , , init (args). : client.PropertyHandler
3 , , init, .
, JAVA, . JAR fine BAT , , XML SOAP...
public PropertyHandler(java.lang.String propFile)
throws java.lang.Exception
. , .
public services.[...].GetResponseTypeDef getMessageList(java.lang.String par1,
java.lang.String comp_Op1,
java.lang.String parValue1 )
X_Properties, , , .
- enumcomp_Op1
- CompOpparValue1
, . null, .