EF Code First Fluent Mapping: 0-1 for many: HasOptional (), same table
I have a "Category" as shown below:
public class Category { //<Summary> //Fields... //</Summary> public Guid CategoryId { get; set; } public string CategoryName { get; set; } public bool IsDelete { get; set; } // Fields for relationships public Guid MainCategoryId { get; set; } public Category MainCategory { get; set; } public virtual ICollection<Category> ChildCategories { get; set; } }
As you can see above, I want to create 0-one-to-many relationships in one table. I used the Fluent API for this as follows:
HasRequired(category => category.MainCategory) .WithMany(category => category.ChildCategories) .HasForeignKey(category => category.MainCategoryId);
But it is one-to-many, not 0-1-to-many. I am using HasOptional, but it gives me an error.
How can I do this using the Fluent API?
thanks for the answer
Set the MainCategoryId
property MainCategoryId
public Guid? MainCategoryId { get; set; }
And then you can use the HasOptional
HasOptional(category => category.MainCategory) .WithMany(category => category.ChildCategories) .HasForeignKey(category => category.MainCategoryId);