RTL150.BPL not found

I have this problem: I compile and run the application and everything works on my computer. When I try to run the same application on another computer, I have an error stating that rtl150.bpl was not found. I searched the Internet and the entire answer that I told me to check if in PROJECT-> OPTION-> PACKAGES is checked: "BUILD WITH PACKING RUNTIME". It is checked, I am compiling the project, but I have the same errors. I also saw that the application executable is very small, for example: 186 KB, when usually it was about 2000 KB. I am using delphi xe and do not know how I need to solve it. Please can someone help me solve this problem? Many thanks.

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1 answer

If you create using packages, you must distribute the packages (.BPL files) that your application uses.

If you do not create startup packages, you will not receive this error.

The list of packages that you should distribute is a comma-delimited list located next to the check box for assembling runtime packages in the project settings.

Project Options Dialog

The size of the executable will be reduced when created using Runtime packages. This is because the code is now in the BPL / Package. But that means your application needs these additional files. Think of the package as a specialized DLL that has been renamed.


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