Explicit constructor call

I am wondering if there is any trick to explicitly invoke the constructor using an object pointer. If it was legal syntax, it would look like this:

Foo *p = malloc( sizeof(Foo) ); p->Foo::Foo(); 

PS I know that I can do Foo *p = new Foo(); , but there is a serious reason for using malloc () explicitly.

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5 answers

To do this, you can use the "Place New" operator:

 Foo *buf = malloc( sizeof(Foo) ); Foo *p = new (buf) Foo(); 

Use posting new :

 Foo* p = new(malloc(sizeof(Foo))) Foo; 

(any checks out of memory are skipped here)

Basically, new(address) Foo() builds an object of type Foo at the location pointed to by address , in other words: it calls the constructor.


You can create a new object at any address using the new placement.

 void *buf = malloc(sizeof(Foo)); Foo *p = new (buf) Foo(); 

Read more about the wikipedia article about him at


Others have already indicated that you can use the new placement. This works well if you want certain, specific class objects to be in memory allocated with malloc . As also pointed out, when you do this, you need to explicitly call dtor.

If you want all the objects in the class to be in memory allocated with malloc , you can overload operator new (and operator delete ) for this class and ask them to call malloc to get raw memory. This frees up client code for additional separate allocation / initialization steps.

If you want all objects in a collection (or more than one collection) to be in memory allocated with malloc , you can provide a allocator for the collection to make this happen. Again, this saves the client code from working with distribution and allows the container to look, act and "feel" like a regular container.

  struct MyClass { MyClass() { std::cout << "ctor" << std::endl; } ~MyClass() { std::cout << "dtor" << std::endl; } }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Allocate memory and call constructor MyClass myObj; // Call constructor again with placement new new (&myObj) MyClass; } 

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