This question is a bit old, but this information may still be useful for people looking for a good java infrastructure: Try the ninja framework ( ). I tried various java web frameworks and it was the easiest to configure and use. Just follow the instructions on your page.
Developing with this is very simple, ninja web projects are standard Maven projects, so you can open them with any idea that Maven supports. For example, you can open a project using Netbeans and have a development server running in the commandprompt / terminal window. Each time you save your changes, the development server automatically reloads your changes and restarts. Or you can use a standard text editor if you want.
It is very convenient to develop. You can also easily debug NetBeans ( )
Note: if you use an ideal, for example netbeans, you do not actually start the project from netbeans, you simply edit your changes on the idea and save. The development server automatically picks up the changes.
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