$bar = 'BAR'; apc_store('foo', $bar); var_dump(apc_fetch('foo'));
Within the framework of one request this work.
Now, if I try to execute var_dump(apc_fetch('foo'));
on another request, it prints:
Any help?
I'm on gentoo with PHP 5.2, APC-3.1.9
Here is what phpinfo () knows about APC:
APC Support enabled Version 3.1.9 APC Debugging Disabled MMAP Support Enabled MMAP File Mask no value Locking type pthread mutex Locks Serialization Support php Revision $Revision: 308812 $ Build Date May 27 2011 13:14:20 Directive Local Value Master Value apc.cache_by_default On On apc.canonicalize On On apc.coredump_unmap Off Off apc.enable_cli Off Off apc.enabled On On apc.file_md5 Off Off apc.file_update_protection 2 2 apc.filters no value no value apc.gc_ttl 3600 3600 apc.include_once_override Off Off apc.lazy_classes Off Off apc.lazy_functions Off Off apc.max_file_size 1M 1M apc.mmap_file_mask no value no value apc.num_files_hint 1000 1000 apc.preload_path no value no value apc.report_autofilter Off Off apc.rfc1867 Off Off apc.rfc1867_freq 0 0 apc.rfc1867_name APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS apc.rfc1867_prefix upload_ upload_ apc.rfc1867_ttl 3600 3600 apc.serializer default default apc.shm_segments 1 1 apc.shm_size 32M 32M apc.slam_defense On On apc.stat On On apc.stat_ctime Off Off apc.ttl 0 0 apc.use_request_time On On apc.user_entries_hint 4096 4096 apc.user_ttl 0 0 apc.write_lock On On
If you need other information, please tell me.
Here is how I installed it: https://serverfault.com/questions/274261/failed-installing-apc
I noticed one thing: in the phpinfo Configure command, I did not find apc
'./configure' '--disable-cli' '--disable-drop-path' 'Disable forces-CGI redirect' 'Prefix = / USR / local / php5' '--with-config-file-path = / usr / local / lib / php5 '' --with-pear = / usr / share / php5 '' --enable-exif '' --enable-ftp '' --enable-bcmath '' --enable-calendar '' --with-gd '' --enable-gd-native-ttf '' --with-freetype-dir '' --with-gettext '' --with-zlib-dir '' --with-imap '' --with-IMAP-SSL '' --with-PNG-DIR = / USR '' --with-JPEG-Dir = / USR '' --with-xpm-dir = / usr '' --with -openssl '' --with-kerberos '' --enable-sysvsem '' --enable-sysvshm '' --with-mcrypt '' --with-iconv '' --enable-mbstring = all '' - enable-mbregex '' --with-mysql = / usr '' --with-mysqli '' --with-curl '' --with-XSL
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