Problems updating APC 3.0.19 & # 8594; 3.1.4

On the gentoo Linux server that I use, I just upgraded APC from 3.0.19 to 3.1.4 and it looks like something is not working there. It seems that the cache entries that were supposed to be deleted (explicitly or after the expiration of the TTL expiration date) remain in place, so the cache usage continues to grow until it reaches maximum usage memory, and then the server becomes very slow.

Anyone with experience in this update?


Here is my apc.ini apc.enabled="1" apc.shm_segments="1" apc.shm_size="1536" apc.num_files_hint="2500" apc.ttl="7200" apc.user_ttl="86400" apc.gc_ttl="3600" apc.cache_by_default="1" ;apc.filters="" ;apc.mmap_file_mask="/tmp/apcphp5.XXXXXX" apc.slam_defense="0" apc.file_update_protection="2" apc.enable_cli="1" apc.max_file_size="5M" apc.stat="0" apc.write_lock="1" apc.report_autofilter="0" apc.include_once_override="0" apc.rfc1867="0" apc.rfc1867_prefix="upload_" apc.rfc1867_name="APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS" apc.rfc1867_freq="0" apc.localcache="0" apc.localcache.size="512" apc.coredump_unmap="0" 
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2 answers

This is apparently a Gentoo bug related to Linux. I reported this and was fixed for APC 3.1.5


I had a problem with APC 3.1.5 when I installed apc.shm_size with only a numeric value. Try apc.shm_size="1536M" , maybe this will help (the default value in the documentation also uses this formula)


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