The problem with the blue core of the personal access point

When I launch my application while some device is connected to my iPhone (therefore, a blue bar showing the number of connections will be shown), my launch image (Default.png) is deformed and the size is no longer suitable for the screen size.

How can I solve this problem? I tried to check the "hidden status bar", but this only helps after loading the boot image.

Thanks in advance.

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3 answers

This is actually not the case. If I remember correctly, the system adjusts the launch image for double-height status bars, cutting out part of its middle; your only option to fix this problem is to find out which part of your Default.png is cut out and change the image so that this removal is not noticeable.


You can fix this problem by using the storyboard as a launch screen instead of images. Create a new storyboard and add a UIViewcontroller as the initial view controller. Host your boot screen using restrictions. For example: place your logo in the center using UIImageView. Open the project settings and select the goals of the goal. Scroll down to β€œApplication Icons and Launch Images”. Select the storyboard that you just created that says "Run the screen file."


check this link maybe help you solve your problem:

Get iPhone Status Bar Height

Based on this link, you can get the height of the status bar, and then customize the launch image.


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