Why can't I access the C: \ WINDOWS \ assembly \ GAC folder?

I find the path to Microsoft.Office> interop.Excel in solution / links

C: \ WINDOWS \ build \ GAC \ Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel \ \ Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll

However, such a file does not exist at all on my C: \ WINDOWS \ assembly \ GAC. In addition, the GAC folder is missing from the C: \ WINDOWS \ folder.

Any idea?

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3 answers

Use the command line to navigate it. Windows Explorer has an extension that runs for the build folder, hiding some details.

Here is a message on how to disable it. http://geekswithblogs.net/pavelka/archive/2006/05/05/WindowsExplorerAndTheGlobalAssemblyCache.aspx or http://weblogs.asp.net/jkey/archive/2003/02/25/3006.aspx


Home → Run: the easiest way to do this is:% windir% \ assembly \ gac

Some people use the subst command to map a drive letter to GAC: SUBST [drive letter]: "C: \ Windows \ assembly"

Personally, I would have grabbed the Office primary investment collectors (here's the PIA for 2010) , they should contain the assembly you need


If you want to disable the GAC shell extension -

run regedit - go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fusion create DisableCacheViewer DWORD - set the value to 0x1 .

After that, open the build folder and you will see the subfolders and navigate to them.

But if you want to copy assemblies from them - I'm not sure why? In your case, you want Excel PIA. All versions of Office also provide PIA.

Here are the PIAs for Office 2007.


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