How to use the Invoke method in an extension / method file?

Well, I am writing a file of extensions / methods useful for strings, labels, links, classes, etc.

but i have a problem. I have a showMessage() method that changes the label text, works fine. But I decided to do this while working with thread execution, then I do this:

 namespace LabelExtensions { public static class LabelExtensionsClass { private delegate void UpdateState(); public static void ShowMessage(this Label label, string text) { if (label.InvokeRequired) { label.Invoke((UpdateState)delegate { label.Text = text; }); } else { label.Text = text; } } } } 

Sorry , that was a typo. I typed this code in the forum. the error continues.

according to the documentation , to use the Invoke method, you must import:

Namespace: System.Windows.Forms

Build: System.Windows.Forms (in System.Windows.Forms.dll)

then I did:

 using System.Windows.Forms; 

but this returns the same error:

 The name 'Invoke' does not exist in the current context 

How can I fix it?

Thanks in advance.

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5 answers

Why not just do it:

 label.BeginInvoke( (Action) (() => label.Text = text)); 

No need to create your own delegate. Just use the built-in Action delegate. You should probably create your extension method for the Control base class instead of the Label class. It will be more reusable.






You forgot to specify the label in your code (when you call the Invoke method):

 public static void ShowMessage(this Label label, string text) { if (label.InvokeRequired) { lablel.Invoke((UpdateState)delegate { label.Text = text; }); } else { label.Text = text; } } 

also consider using BeginInvoke so as not to block the calling thread (if applicable)


Invoke is a Control instance method.
To call it you need Control , for example label .


You do not need to declare a new delegate type or create a new lambda or anonymous delegate. You already have a method that acts on the UI thread - the one you write. Just make it call itself in a user interface thread like this.

 public static void ShowMessage(this Label label, string text) { if(label.InvokeRequired) { label.Invoke(new Action<Label, string>(ShowMessage), label, text); return; } label.Text = text; } 

The advantage of this approach is that you can almost copy and paste a block of redirection code from this method into any other method that you want to change in the same way.


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