Select all children except the first

Say I have the following:

<ul> <li>First item</li> <li>Second item</li> <li>Third item</li> </ul> 

How to select all children after the first using jQuery? So I can achieve something like:

 <ul> <li>First item</li> <li class="something">Second item</li> <li class="something">Third item</li> </ul> 
javascript jquery
Oct 07 '08 at 13:21
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7 answers

You should be able to use the "not" and "first child" selectors.


Oct 07 '08 at 13:25
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β€” -

Based on my completely unscientific analysis of the four methods here, it seems that there is not much speed difference between them. I ran each page containing a series of unordered lists of various lengths and confined to them using the Firebug profiler.


Average time: 5,322ms


Average time: 5.590ms


Average time: 6.084ms

 $("ul li+li").addClass("something"); 

Average time: 7.831ms

Oct 09 '08 at 12:26
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Oct 07 '08 at 13:24
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More elegant query (select all li elements preceded by li element):

$('ul li+li')

Oct 07 '08 at 13:45
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This should work

 $('ul :not(:first-child)').addClass('something'); 
07 Oct '08 at 13:29
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I would use

Oct 07 '08 at 14:31
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This is what I still work.

 $('.certificateList input:checkbox:gt(0)') 
Oct 07 '08 at 13:27
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