I want to show in my panel the 5 best products, on each product I want to show the total number of orders, views and the percentage of where this product is based on other ex:
Game 1 for Xbox (200 orders / 1000 views) 20% Game 2 for WII (180 orders / 2100 views) 18% Game 3 for PS3 (170 orders / 390 views) 17% Game 4 for PS3 (90 orders / 1400 views) 9% Game 5 for WII (20 orders / 30 views) 2%
so 200 orders for the game 1 out of 1000 orders is 20% of the total number of orders. which means that 20% of my products were game 1
here is my request:
select products.name, products.type, products.views, count(*) as orders, ???????? from products inner join orders on (products.id = orders.product_id) group by orders.product_id
how to get a percentage?
source share