I have a bunch of unit test I test, and I put a breakpoint on the unitest code, and when I start with CTL+R,T instead of stopping at the breakpoint, it just executes the code and I try to debug the unittest code because its failing. .. any help?
I am using the professional version of VS 2010
I highly recommend Test Driven , you can right-click the test and select the test using the debugger and easily execute the code.
Visual Studio 2010 test not included in debugger on exceptionMake sure you run "Test-> Debug" or "Debug test" / "Debug test selected". Simply running tests with configuration on Debug will not attach the debugger to the current test.
Visual Studio 2010 test not included in debugger on exception
Make sure you run "Test-> Debug" or "Debug test" / "Debug test selected". Simply running tests with configuration on Debug will not attach the debugger to the current test.
'Hope that helps
I had the same problem and solved it like this:
The same problem arose with me in Visual Studio 2015. The problem was that the " Solution Configuration " drop-down list in the Visual Studio toolbar was not set to "Debug". After making the changes, the debugging worked.