RabbitMQ on Ubuntu 10.04 Server

Trying to run RabbitMQ on VPS with Ubuntu 10.04. Doing everything as usual:

  • added RabbitMQ deb repo
  • updated with apt-get update
  • installed with apt-get install rabbitmq-server

On my local machine with Ubuntu 11.10 and another VPS with the same 10.04, everything works fine. But on this, I get an error like this (from / var / log / rabbitmq / startup_log):

Activating RabbitMQ plugins ... ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** 0 plugins activated: ERROR: epmd error for host "67714": badarg (unknown POSIX error) 

What am I doing wrong and wtf is this?

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3 answers

The following worked for me on Fedora 16 thanks to an anonymous prompt .

 su vim /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost YOUR-HOSTNAME ::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 service rabbitmq-server start 

For example, suppose your hostname is 67714.

 su vim /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost 67714 ::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 service rabbitmq-server start 

This worked for me on CentOS 5.8 when I was unable to use the / etc / hosts file to fix it:

  • Create a configuration file for the rabbitmq environment variables at / etc / rabbitmq / rabbitmq -env.conf
  • Add NODENAME = rabbit @localhost to it (note that only localhost is down)
  • sudo service rabbitmq-server start

To learn more about configuration settings, check this out: http://www.rabbitmq.com/configure.html#customise-general-unix-environment .


I had the same problem and I was able to solve it simply by deleting the numeric HOSTNAME that I used and replaced it with the usual alphabetic word, for example: my hostname is 1989 and I replaced it with tadiwa


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