How to use touch events without importing the entire JavaScript platform for mobile devices?

I am working on a flexible design in which I would like to use two special touch events, tap and swipe . Is it possible to import one piece of jQuery Mobile (i.e. ) or a part of any other JavaScript platform with support for mobile devices without importing the entire set of assets? I am currently using jQuery, so you know.

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3 answers

I found a solution for my problem: TouchSwipe , a jQuery plugin for touch devices that handles swipe events. Like a boss!


You can also just download the Events.Touch module from jQuery Mobile using your loader

Just check the "Touch" option, add the JavaScript file to your project so that you can start listening to events such as:

  • touchstart
  • Touchmove
  • touchend
  • click
  • taphold
  • napkins
  • swipeleft
  • swiperight
  • scrollstart
  • scrollstop

ps: You should use the jQuery library as jQuery mobile runs on top of it.


You can use the TouchSwipe jQuery plugin, it is the simplest plugin when jquery was running.

 $(function() { $(".carousel-inner").swipe({ allowPageScroll:"auto", swipe:function(event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount, fingerData) { if(direction == 'left'){ $(this).parent().carousel('prev'); } else if(direction == 'right') { $(this).parent().carousel('next'); } } }); }); 

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