I have an arbitrary number of columns containing text data that were collected using the cbind () command, for example:
[1,] "Text 1,1" "Text 1,2" "Text 1,n"
[2,] "Text 2,1" "Text 2,2" "Text 2,n"
[3,] "Text 3,1" "Text 3,2" "Text 3,n"
[n,] "Text n,1" "Text n,2" "Text n,n"
I want to combine each row together, so I have to:
[1,] "Text 1,1 Text 1,2 Text 1,n"
[n,] "Text n,1 Text n,2 Text n,n"
I am currently doing this with a for loop (where textColumns is the cbind () matrix):
concatColumn <- c()
for (i in 1:ncol(textColumns)) concatColumn <- paste(concatColumn,textColumns[,i])
Is there an easier and more elegant way to do this in R? I was looking for ways to do this using the paste () command without a for loop, but could not find a solution. Thank you in advance for your help!
Timothy P. Jurka
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