First, you probably won’t be able to perform such monitoring using existing Aspect APIs, because wrapper aspects that intercept calls for a specific purpose are NOT bound to any one component, so there wouldn’t be any natural way detecting interception aspects.
Nevertheless, maybe you could wrap up the aspects inside a kind of strategic class, but the amount of work to maintain it would be very significant.
Aspects are often described as being “on top” or “woven” with your other code, that is, at run time or build time.
Thus, your code will usually not “know” about any such aspects, given this paradigm for implementing aspects.
However, if you need traceable aspects, you can implement some “like” functions using standard java dependency and dependency injection, that is, by loading injected modules at runtime that implement some cross-cutting functionality that will implement the aspect .. But, I suspect, if you are really doing a serious aspect of oriented code, this approach does not meet your aspect-oriented requirements.
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