How can we combine 8 elements with 16 comparisons?

Ok, I asked a question about sorting a few days ago. I learned how to prove that the smallest number of comparisons by sorting 8 elements is 16, and I understood why. But my merge sorting algorithm has 17 comparisons, and in my case this is correct. To combine two sorted arrays with lengths x and y, we need (x + y) -1 comparisons, so in merge sorting we get 17 comparisons. But this should be possible with 16 comparisons, so .. how? where can I save this comparison 1).

Here is the image:

enter image description here


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3 answers

The OP provides clear evidence of the impossibility of sorting a merge of 8 elements with less than 17 comparisons. You can still sort 8 elements in 16 comparisons with another algorithm. The algorithm is described in D.Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3, Chapter 5.3.1. It is called a merge insert .

The smallest number of comparisons does not make this algorithm the fastest. For example, a Batcher odd-even mergesort with 19 comparisons will easily outperform a merge nest since it performs most comparisons in parallel.


You can get the smallest solution if you have an odd number of numbers to sort.


You can prove that 16 comparisons are not enough using all possible algorithms. To do this, you will need an "algorithm for generating algorithms."


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