URLjava.io.IOException: server returned HTTP response code: 411 in JAVA

I check if the internet is accessible or not.

URL url = new URL("http://www.google.co.in/"); final HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); // set connect timeout. conn.setConnectTimeout(1000000); // set read timeout. conn.setReadTimeout(1000000); conn.setRequestMethod("POST"); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type","text/xml"); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.connect(); Integer code = conn.getResponseCode(); final String contentType = conn.getContentType(); 

When I run this code, I get an exception

URLjava.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 411

What could be the mistake.

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5 answers

An HTTP 411 status code means "required length" - you tried to execute a POST request, but you never provided any input. The Java client code does not set the Content-Length header, and the server rejects the POST request without length.

Why are you even trying to make a message? Why not make a GET request or even better HEAD?

I would also recommend if you really need to know if a particular site (such as a web service) is running that you are connecting to, not just Google.


Try adding the following lines to your code that may help you understand the problem a little better:

  conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", "0"); 

Verify that your input stream is from HTTP ERROR 411 by adding this code:

 InputStream is = null; if (conn.getResponseCode() != 200) { is = conn.getErrorStream(); } else { is = conn.getInputStream(); } 

Hope this helps.

Yours faithfully


411 - Required Length

The status code 411 occurs when the server refuses to process the request because the length of the content is not specified.

See details


Adding the following line to the code in which the post is executed:

 conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", "0"); 

POST / PUT should be used when modifying or creating a new instance on the internal server. When using a REST call in the form at http: ///// {parameter1} / {parameter2} (etc.) A request or sending a body is not sent! it should still be a POST call if it changes the data.

So, in this case, we can do some reflection.

 String urlParameters = url.getQuery(); if (urlParameters == null) urlParameters = ""; byte[] postData = urlParameters.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); int postDataLength = postData.length; if (postDataLength > 0) { //in case that the content is not empty conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString(postDataLength)); } else { // Reflaction the HttpURLConnectioninstance Class<?> conRef = conn.getClass(); // Fetch the [requests] field, Type of MessageHeader Field requestsField= conRef .getDeclaredField("requests"); // The [requests] field is private, so we need to allow accessibility requestsField.setAccessible(true); MessageHeader messageHeader = (MessageHeader) requestsField.get(conn); // Place the "Content-Length" header with "0" value messageHeader.add("Content-Length", "0"); // Inject the modified headers requestsField.set(conn, messageHeader); } 

Thus, we will not harm the existing model, and the call will be sent with a ZERO-length header.


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