Hbase.MasterNotRunningException when creating a table in Hbase

ERROR: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MasterNotRunningException: Retried 7 times 

I got this error when I create a table in HBase. I do this to create a table using HBase. I type the following command on the console.

 create 'test', 'cf' 

I got the above error. What would be the reason for getting this error? I am trying to use this table in a standalone system.

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5 answers

this only happens if your namenode is in safe mode, so just type the following command: - hdfs dfsadmin -safemode leave

this team worked for me in every way, try this for you.


you should check hadoop and hbase logs. hdfs doesn't seem to start correctly. as codingFoo said you should wait about 1 minute after hdfs starts before hbase starts. after running hbase check http: //: 60010 to see what happens on your machines.


I had exactly the same error. After hours of fighting, it is finally resolved by simply writing "ubuntu" in addition to the host name in the / etc / hosts file. those. your ubuntu host name.

Obviously, this solution can only work for you if you are using Ubuntu.


I encountered the same problem after installing Hbase and took the following steps.

In your terminal, go to Hbase-> bin and run start-hbase.sh, as shown below.

user @client: / usr / local / hbase / bin $ start-hbase.sh

Then enter jps in your terminal. Now HMaster will be active.

user @client: / usr / local / hbase / bin $ jps

After that, I could create a table.


I had the same problem and I said I did $start-hbase.sh and then found the following processes with the JPS command.

 3420 TaskTracker 3202 SecondaryNameNode 2953 NameNode 4327 HRegionServer 4041 HQuorumPeer 4143 HMaster 3078 DataNode 4619 Jps 3290 JobTracker 

Both hmaster hregionserver are ready. Now I can use hbase correctly.


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