Check if the X-Sendfile header is working

I am looking for a way to confirm whether the X-Sendfile processes requests sent to the web server correctly using a script (PHP). Images are served correctly, but I thought I would see the headline in curl requests.

$ curl -I HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2012 17:19:45 GMT Server: Cherokee/1.2.100 (Arch Linux) ETag: "4dd2e306=9da0" Last-Modified: Tue, 17 May 2011 21:05:10 GMT Content-Type: image/jpeg Content-Length: 40352 X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.8 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="amos-lee-feature.jpg" 


Cherokee 1.2.100 with PHP-FPM 5.3.8 in FastCGI:
cherokee.conf: vserver!20!rule!500!handler!xsendfile = 1
(Install using vServer> Behavior> php Extensions> Handler: Allow X-Sendfile [check Enabled])

Wordpress / WPMU 3.3.1 Network :
define('WPMU_SENDFILE',true); set in wp-config.php as follows before wp-settings.php . This will run the following code, which will be executed in WP wp-includes / ms-files.php: 50 serves files for a specific blog:

 header( 'X-Sendfile: ' . $file ); exit; 

I confirmed that the above snippet is accomplished by adding an extra header to delete immediately before calling exit(); . This Content-Disposition is present with the curl results above, and not initially in ms-files.php code. Added code:
header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="'.basename($file).'"');


I have:

  • Reboot the php-fpm / cherokee daemons after making configuration changes.
  • I tried a few tricks in the comments in and replaced the simple header in ms-files.php more complete code from the examples.
    • * files-better-apache-mod_xsendfile-and-php / *
  • Confirmed support [cherokee support] [5] and tested [with and without] [6] compression, although I do not think that this is applicable, since my images work correctly. I also found a suspiciously similar problem from the lighttpd post.
    • * *
  • An ad unit is found here on SO, which may indicate that the header is being split
  • It is tested that the headers above are compatible with curl, wget, Firefox, Chrome and
  • Learned that I can not publish more than two links due to lack of reputation.


  • Will the X-Sendfile be present in the headers when it works correctly or is stripped?
  • Can I use access logs to determine if the X-Sendfile working?

I am looking for general troubleshooting tips or information here that is not necessarily specific to PHP / Cherokee.


I found a suitable way to validate X-Sendfile or X-Accel-Redirect in a test or sandbox: disable X-Sendfile and check the headers.

With enabled disabling of the X-Sendfile in Cherokee:

 $ curl -I HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Fri, 06 Jan 2012 15:34:49 GMT Server: Cherokee/1.2.101 (Ubuntu) X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.6-13ubuntu3.3 Content-Type: image/jpeg X-Sendfile: /srv/http/wordpress/wp-content/blogs.dir/2/files/2011/05/amos-lee-feature.jpg Content-Length: 40352 

The image does not load in browsers, but you can see that the title is present. After enabling Enable X-Sendfile again, the image is loaded and you can be sure that the X-Sendfile is working.

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3 answers

According to the source on github, the X-Sendfile headers will be deleted.

If I combine the file correctly, it will only log successfully if it was compiled in debug mode.


You can check the memory usage for sending large files with and without xsendfile.


They are deleted, simply because the presence of this data will prevent one of the reasons for its use, namely the presence of a file serviced without a recipient, knowing the location of the file that will be serviced.


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