I use backbone.js to get the collection from the REST server. Generate triggers in order and populate the collection with data. However, the reset trigger never fires, so addAll () is never called. Calling the addAll () function manually works fine - but why doesnβt the "reset" function work as needed when the fetch () function is called in the collection?
Here is the code:
define(['backbone-tastypie'], function(Backbone) { var Machine = Backbone.Model.extend({ url: function(){ return this.get('resource_uri') || this.collection.url; } }); return Machine; });
define(['backbone-tastypie','models/machine'], function(Backbone, Machine) { var Machines = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Machine, url: '/api/rest/machine/', parse: function(data){ return data.objects; } }); return Machines; });
Model view
define(['underscore','backbone-tastypie'], function(_, Backbone) { var MachineTableEntryView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'tr', template: _.template($('#machine-row-template').html()), render: function(){ $(this.el).html(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); console.log('lol'); return this; } }); return MachineTableEntryView; });
Main view
define(['underscore','backbone-tastypie','collections/machines','views/machine_table_entry'], function(_, Backbone, Machines, MachineTableEntryView) { var MachineTableView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: $('#app'), initialize: function(){ _.bindAll(this, 'addOne', 'addAll'); Machines.bind('reset', this.addAll); this.machines = new Machines(); this.machines.fetch(); }, addAll: function(){ this.machines.each(this.addOne); }, addOne: function(machine){ var view = new MachineTableEntryView({model:machine}); this.$('#machines').append(view.render().el); }, }); return MachineTableView; });
Adam thomas
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