I am trying to resize an instance of a UIView that is part of the tapjoy SDK.
here is the code:
- (UIView*)showFeaturedAppFullScreenAd:(NSString*)adURL withFrame:(CGRect)frame { UIView *fullScreenAdView = nil; [self moveViewToFront]; [self.view setAlpha:1]; fullScreenAdView = [TJCFeaturedAppViewHandler showFullScreenAdWithURL:adURL withFrame:frame]; [self.view addSubview:fullScreenAdView]; return fullScreenAdView; }
I tried adding my own setter method in the above method:
fullScreenAdView.frame = CGRectOffset(fullScreenAdView.frame, 50, 500);
But this did not affect the tapjoy ad when I launched it.
My question is this: I'm trying to resize this instance so that instead of taking 100% of the deviceβs window, it takes 70%.
I have some ideas on how to do this, but they are vague (for example, write fullScreenAdView = [mainScreen * 0.7f), but I was hoping someone would come up with more specific ideas.
edit: here is a super, high-tech picture of my situation. http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb289/teh_Mac/tjAd-1.jpg
This is the proto method that I have come up with so far:
fullScreenAdView.frame = CGRectMake(0,0, [mainScreen * 0.7f], [mainScreen * 0.7f];
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