Facebook API: determine if a Facebook page is being published or not being published

What is a reliable way to verify the publication or non-publication of a Facebook page using the graphical API? I am currently doing this:

http://graph.facebook.com/ {page_id}

and check if the return value is false. If it is false, I conclude that it is not published, and if it returns a graph object, then conclude that it is published. But now I notice that many published pages return false from the above query.

Here is an example:

This page is published: http://www.facebook.com/AjiRestaurant

but these requests return false: http://graph.facebook.com/104433516257517 (using the page id) http://graph.facebook.com/AjiRestaurant (using the page username)

What is the best way to check if a page is being published?

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5 answers

Drop it under the FQL query at http://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer

SELECT page_id, name, username, is_published FROM page WHERE page_id IN (SELECT page_id FROM page_admin WHERE uid = me()) AND is_published="" ORDER BY fan_count DESC 

This will select all the pages in your account and see if they are published, returning all the unpublished pages in the list.


It turns out there is no known way to check if the Page is published / not published. The API column http://graph.facebook.com/ {page_id} will return false if one of the following conditions is true:

  • Page not published
  • The page has country restrictions.
  • The page has age restrictions.

If and only if none of the above settings is applied, http://graph.facebook.com/ {page_id} will return an object graph.

Note. I assume that the access token with the manage_pages permission is not used for the above API calls. With the correct access token, https://graph.facebook.com/ {page_id} will return the object graph, regardless of whether the page has restrictions or not.


You can use the following, but it works when you have permission to manage pages on the page http://graph.facebook.com/{page_id}/settings

try this code with manage_pages permission

 FB.api('/me/accounts', function (resp) { //var txtpageid = if (txtpageid != '') { FBactualID = ''; for (var i = 0, l = resp.data.length; i < l; i++) { var page = resp.data[i]; if (page.id == txtpageid) { FBactualID = txtpageid; varFBResponseFlag = true; //alert('inside the page id validation'); } } } getCheckedValue(FBactualID); }); 

Retrieve the page using the Graph API (using cURL as a system call, HTTPClient with Rails or $.getJSON() using jQuery, for example) using http://graph.facebook.com/PAGE_ID . Unpublished pages return false , and published pages return an array of JSON information.

This does not require access or permission tokens.

Using cURL (command line)

 $ curl http://graph.facebook.com/UNPUBLISHED_PAGE_ID false $ curl http://graph.facebook.com/PAGE_ID {"id":"1234","name":"Test Page","picture":.... 

Using HTTPClient (with Rails)

 HTTPClient.get("http://graph.facebook.com/UNPUBLISHED_PAGE_ID").body # false HTTPClient.get("http://graph.facebook.com/PAGE_ID").body # "{\"id\":\"1234\",\"name\":\"Test Page\",\"picture\".... 

Using $ .getJSON () (jQuery)

 $.getJSON("http://graph.facebook.com/UNPUBLISHED_PAGE_ID", function (data) { console.log(data); // false } $.getJSON("http://graph.facebook.com/PAGE_ID", function (data) { console.log(data); // JSON Object with page info } 

You can only see the page if you use access_token , which can see the page in the request.

You will always see only the pages that you see with the access_token user on facebook.

Using my own access_token in the above examples, for example, still gives false for AjiRestaurant, but I will get the information for KeystoneLight as accurately as possible, since my account meets the restrictions.


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