Using Plastic SCM for small personal projects?

I spent the last few nights studying version control applications, mainly here on SO readings and visiting sites. I am looking for SCM for my personal C # hobby projects.

I want the version control server to be local to my PC, not intend to create a remote or intranet or multi-user development, and would like to use the VS2010 plugin and, possibly, Eclipse; All Plastic SCM features support in one simple download / install, as far as I can tell. But he has far more possibilities and possibilities than I would ever use at home.

If someone uses the SCM SCM fingerprint style, do you find it effective as a single SCM tool developer?

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2 answers

Disclaimer: I do not work for Plastic SCM !: P

Well, I use Plastic SCM in my company and at home with my personal projects (for 1 year), and as far as I can tell you, Plastic is BEST SCM also ever made by a man! :) I already used SVN, TFS , Source Safe (argh ..) and a bit of git, but very little.

I am a passionate user of Plastic, and I can say that for one developer or team project you can rely on Plastic. Everything is done in order to work perfectly with Visual Studio. However, I prefer the graphical interface to be designed according to my changes. I just find that the plastic GUI and integration with Explorer are better suited to work. I came from an SVN client that had a lot of problems integrating with VS, so I changed the way I use SCM tools. The VS plugin, client, and Explorer integration do everything the client does. I just like the client more.

In plastic, almost everything is done visually (what you can’t do visually right now, plastic developers are working on developing a graphical interface to the task!) And are very user-friendly. The distributed Explorer branch (DBrEx, for users) is the sweeeeeet world of code .

A great merge tool helps solve problems when merging branches and everything else.

Another feature of WONDERFUL is SPEED . Hell yeah, Plastic FAST ! (Pablo, I did not find the url for the test with git on the CΓ³dice blog, can you add here? :))

The plastic forum is quick (when I mean fast, I really mean it. They usually ask my questions a few hours after I post something), reliable accurate, and they help you with any help you need. Even if you (like me) are not a payment customer. Since I started using plastic, they ALWAYS helped me whenever I needed. Contact with plastic developers is a great feature. You are not dealing with some guy hired by some developer to solve problems that you will never see or say, you will always deal, ask questions, offering new features to developers! This is amazing!

Plastic uses a multi-letter database, so if you are running Windows, you can stick with SQL Server CE or SQL Server Express or paid versions of SQL Server. Don't you like SQL Server? You can still use MySQL, Oracle, Firebird, SQLite, and PostgreSQL. The base database server is easy to back up, with a few steps you can make backups every day.

If you work with a small team or large teams, you can use the integrated Code Review tool. This is pretty cool!

You can integrate your development tasks into various problem management systems (Jira, Version One, OnTime, Bugzilla, Mantis, Trac, RallyDev, DevTrack, FogBugz).

You can use the Transparent SCM function so that you can detect changes outside of Visual Studio or Eclipse.

Well, I think I can talk for hours and hours here ... So, if you have a question about my experience with using plastic, just ask!

Hope my review helps! :)


Disclaimer: I work for Plastic SCM!

Plastic will be very useful for you as a "solo developer." You will get ease of installation, graphics, the ability to learn about branching and merging (which you can use even if you work on your own, because you can use branches to test experiments, fix bugs ... and many others), and really strong (and constantly growing) integration with the IDEs you use ... And, best of all: more than legendary support!


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