The order of the tabs in my form in Delphi (Embarcadero® Delphi 2010 version 14.0) is incorrect, which means that the tab key jumps to the seemingly random elements in the form.
However, when I switch and change it in Delphi, it changes them for me in the same wrong order!
So, I decided to programmatically assign them:
procedure FixDelphiTabOrder; begin Form2.ButtonClear.TabOrder := 2000; Form2.ButtonExport.TabOrder := 1900; Form2.ButtonNew.TabOrder := 1800; Form2.MaxFreq.TabOrder := 1700; Form2.MinFreq.TabOrder := 1600; Form2.Summary.TabOrder := 1500; Form2.Plot6dB.TabOrder := 1400; Form2.Plot3dB.TabOrder := 1300; Form2.Use_dBs.TabOrder := 1200; Form2.PlotPoints.TabOrder := 1100; Form2.PlotPhase.TabOrder := 1000; Form2.Prop8Value.TabOrder := 900; Form2.Prop7Value.TabOrder := 800; Form2.Prop6Value.TabOrder := 700; Form2.Prop5Value.TabOrder := 600; Form2.Prop4Value.TabOrder := 500; Form2.Prop3Value.TabOrder := 400; Form2.Prop2Value.TabOrder := 300; Form2.Prop1Value.TabOrder := 200; Form2.FilterType.TabOrder := 100; ShowMessage(IntToStr(Form2.Prop1Value.TabOrder)); end;
(I tried to assign it both backward and forward, it does the same.)
But that still doesn't work. A message field appears with 7 instead of 100, each time. Something is constantly changing order, but this is not my code.
Why is this, and can it be fixed?
This is for my A2 Computing project.
Thomas o
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