I really want to post something here that is very difficult to find a complete answer for him, and it took me a lot of time to figure it out. There are people who ask how to connect a remote debugging process to find an employee, and here is the right way that works, finally, for me. This article is high on Google search and will be easy to find.
FROM SHELL on the server (for me it's my laptop), do this from your root site: rdebug-ide --port 1236 --dispatcher-port 26166 --host bin / rake resque: work QUEUE = *
in the RubyMine IDE, remote debugging is configured using: Remote host: Remote port: 1236 Remote root folder: path from the server to the root of the site Local port: 26166 Local root path: the path on your workstation to the root file where you must install breakpoints (in my case, all of it is local, so all 1 path and 1 copy of files)
Start the web server as usual: rails s
set a breakpoint in your Resque worker and try to do everything you need on your site to get to that breakpoint.
1 note - the presence of pearls "spring" gave me errors, and I had to comment on it / layering.
Chris p
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