I was tasked with creating a bridge between C # and Java. It was said that if we use C # right now, and then we get the Java file from another place, we should be able to convert this Java file to .NET so that it can be compatible with our software. The problem is that I do not know what to do or how to start this task. Any suggestions or tips?
It was said that I first have to create platform-independent classes if that helps.
* Edit: Sorry if I wasnβt clear for the first time, because I myself didnβt fully understand the task, therefore I am here. But from what I understand, I need to create a bridge where I can call the Java source code from my .NET file. I have several months to complete it, so I guess I have to make every Java library compatible with C #.
I looked for help and found several similar projects: JNBridge (pay for use), Tangible (free demo) and Janett (open source), so I base my opinion.
** Edit: say, for example, I am creating a Calculator class in Java. I would like to instantiate this class in C #.
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