How to select an element that does not exist yet (jQuery) and change its style?

Below is my code. I would like to change the background color of the #preview div, but always failing to select #preview. It doesn't seem to exist when the script is executed. Another jQuery script creates it later.

jQuery("#panel").mouseleave(function(){ var good_color = jQuery('.colorpicker_hex input').val(); jQuery("#preview").css({ 'background-color': good_color }); }); 

How to select all current and future divs #preview and change their background colors? I think there is something like live (), but I have not yet found an example with changing CSS.

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3 answers

jQuery has nothing to do with what you specified. You can add a style element to do this:

 $("<style>#preview { background-color: #eee; }</style>") .appendTo(document.documentElement); 

Like all style rules that will be applied when and when any elements correspond to it. When you add it at the end of a document element, it should win any style conflicts (prohibiting differences in specifics, but id selectors are pretty specific).

Live example - Tested and works in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE6 and IE9


You can not. Basically jQuery nevigate through the DOM tree to select the correct object.

So, run the script after loading the document.

 $(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#panel").mouseleave(function(){ var good_color = jQuery('.colorpicker_hex input').val(); jQuery("#preview").css({ 'background-color': good_color }); }); }); 

#panel or #preview may not exist in your case.


live() (which is now deprecated, so use on() instead) for events. Unable to select an item that does not yet exist. However, you can create an element like this:

 var previewDiv = $('<div id="#preview" />'); 

And this div is not yet attached to your document. You can manipulate your CSS as you like:

 previewDiv.css({ 'background-color': good_color }); 

Then your script, which was previously responsible for creating the script, can simply attach it:


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