How to get an "English name" for a character?

I just used this most useful link: How to check if a given line is a legal / valid file name under Windows?

And inside some verification code there is something similar (ignore the fact that I do not use the StringBuilder class and ignore the error when composing the message (you donโ€™t need to tell them about โ€œColonโ€ โ€‹โ€‹more than once if it appears in the line more than once)):

string InvalidFileNameChars = new string(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()); Regex ContainsABadChar = new Regex("[" + Regex.Escape(InvalidFileNameChars) + "]"); MatchCollection BadChars = ContainsABadChar.Matches(txtFileName.Text); if (BadChars.Count > 0) { string Msg = "The following invalid characters were detected:\r\n\r\n"; foreach (Match Bad in BadChars) { Msg += Bad.Value + "\r\n"; } MessageBox.Show(Msg, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } 

This MessageBox will look something like this (using the example in which the colon is found):

- to begin -

The following invalid characters were found:


- end -

I would like to say something like:

- to begin -

The following invalid characters were found:

Colon โ†’:

- end -

I like to have an English name. Not a killer, but it was curious if there was any function there (which does not exist for the Char class, but may exist in some other class that I do not think about):

Char.GetEnglishName (':');

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4 answers

You can simply use the basic Latin basic and control the unicode block if you don't need to consider every character, ever.

You can define a table as a simple string array to quickly search:

 string[] lookup = new string[128]; lookup[0x00]="Null character"; lookup[0x01]="Start of Heading"; lookup[0x02]="Start of Text"; lookup[0x03]="End-of-text character"; lookup[0x04]="End-of-transmission character"; lookup[0x05]="Enquiry character"; lookup[0x06]="Acknowledge character"; lookup[0x07]="Bell character"; lookup[0x08]="Backspace"; lookup[0x09]="Horizontal tab"; lookup[0x0A]="Line feed"; lookup[0x0B]="Vertical tab"; lookup[0x0C]="Form feed"; lookup[0x0D]="Carriage return"; lookup[0x0E]="Shift Out"; lookup[0x0F]="Shift In"; lookup[0x10]="Data Link Escape"; lookup[0x11]="Device Control 1"; lookup[0x12]="Device Control 2"; lookup[0x13]="Device Control 3"; lookup[0x14]="Device Control 4"; lookup[0x15]="Negative-acknowledge character"; lookup[0x16]="Synchronous Idle"; lookup[0x17]="End of Transmission Block"; lookup[0x18]="Cancel character"; lookup[0x19]="End of Medium"; lookup[0x1A]="Substitute character"; lookup[0x1B]="Escape character"; lookup[0x1C]="File Separator"; lookup[0x1D]="Group Separator"; lookup[0x1E]="Record Separator"; lookup[0x1F]="Unit Separator"; lookup[0x20]="Space"; lookup[0x21]="Exclamation mark"; lookup[0x22]="Quotation mark"; lookup[0x23]="Number sign"; lookup[0x24]="Dollar sign"; lookup[0x25]="Percent sign"; lookup[0x26]="Ampersand"; lookup[0x27]="Apostrophe"; lookup[0x28]="Left parenthesis"; lookup[0x29]="Right parenthesis"; lookup[0x2A]="Asterisk"; lookup[0x2B]="Plus sign"; lookup[0x2C]="Comma"; lookup[0x2D]="Hyphen-minus"; lookup[0x2E]="Full stop"; lookup[0x2F]="Slash"; lookup[0x30]="Digit Zero"; lookup[0x31]="Digit One"; lookup[0x32]="Digit Two"; lookup[0x33]="Digit Three"; lookup[0x34]="Digit Four"; lookup[0x35]="Digit Five"; lookup[0x36]="Digit Six"; lookup[0x37]="Digit Seven"; lookup[0x38]="Digit Eight"; lookup[0x39]="Digit Nine"; lookup[0x3A]="Colon"; lookup[0x3B]="Semicolon"; lookup[0x3C]="Less-than sign"; lookup[0x3D]="Equal sign"; lookup[0x3E]="Greater-than sign"; lookup[0x3F]="Question mark"; lookup[0x40]="At sign"; lookup[0x41]="Latin Capital letter A"; lookup[0x42]="Latin Capital letter B"; lookup[0x43]="Latin Capital letter C"; lookup[0x44]="Latin Capital letter D"; lookup[0x45]="Latin Capital letter E"; lookup[0x46]="Latin Capital letter F"; lookup[0x47]="Latin Capital letter G"; lookup[0x48]="Latin Capital letter H"; lookup[0x49]="Latin Capital letter I"; lookup[0x4A]="Latin Capital letter J"; lookup[0x4B]="Latin Capital letter K"; lookup[0x4C]="Latin Capital letter L"; lookup[0x4D]="Latin Capital letter M"; lookup[0x4E]="Latin Capital letter N"; lookup[0x4F]="Latin Capital letter O"; lookup[0x50]="Latin Capital letter P"; lookup[0x51]="Latin Capital letter Q"; lookup[0x52]="Latin Capital letter R"; lookup[0x53]="Latin Capital letter S"; lookup[0x54]="Latin Capital letter T"; lookup[0x55]="Latin Capital letter U"; lookup[0x56]="Latin Capital letter V"; lookup[0x57]="Latin Capital letter W"; lookup[0x58]="Latin Capital letter X"; lookup[0x59]="Latin Capital letter Y"; lookup[0x5A]="Latin Capital letter Z"; lookup[0x5B]="Left Square Bracket"; lookup[0x5C]="Backslash"; lookup[0x5D]="Right Square Bracket"; lookup[0x5E]="Circumflex accent"; lookup[0x5F]="Low line"; lookup[0x60]="Grave accent"; lookup[0x61]="Latin Small Letter A"; lookup[0x62]="Latin Small Letter B"; lookup[0x63]="Latin Small Letter C"; lookup[0x64]="Latin Small Letter D"; lookup[0x65]="Latin Small Letter E"; lookup[0x66]="Latin Small Letter F"; lookup[0x67]="Latin Small Letter G"; lookup[0x68]="Latin Small Letter H"; lookup[0x69]="Latin Small Letter I"; lookup[0x6A]="Latin Small Letter J"; lookup[0x6B]="Latin Small Letter K"; lookup[0x6C]="Latin Small Letter L"; lookup[0x6D]="Latin Small Letter M"; lookup[0x6E]="Latin Small Letter N"; lookup[0x6F]="Latin Small Letter O"; lookup[0x70]="Latin Small Letter P"; lookup[0x71]="Latin Small Letter Q"; lookup[0x72]="Latin Small Letter R"; lookup[0x73]="Latin Small Letter S"; lookup[0x74]="Latin Small Letter T"; lookup[0x75]="Latin Small Letter U"; lookup[0x76]="Latin Small Letter V"; lookup[0x77]="Latin Small Letter W"; lookup[0x78]="Latin Small Letter X"; lookup[0x79]="Latin Small Letter Y"; lookup[0x7A]="Latin Small Letter Z"; lookup[0x7B]="Left Curly Bracket"; lookup[0x7C]="Vertical bar"; lookup[0x7D]="Right Curly Bracket"; lookup[0x7E]="Tilde"; lookup[0x7F]="Delete"; 

Then all you have to do is:

 var englishName = lookup[(int)'~']; 


  public static string ToEnglishName(this char c) { int i = (int)c; if( i < lookup.Length ) return lookup[i]; return "Unknown"; } var name = ':'.ToEnglishName(); // Colon 

The problem you are facing is that you should be able to represent a Unicode space that will be large. If you really want this, drop the contents of this page into the dictionary, then use this extension method on char:

 public static string ToName(this char c) { string result = ""; // or "unknown" or null or whatever _charToName.TryGetValue(c, out result); return result; } // ... string name = c.ToName(); 

I compiled a dictionary of symbol names, which I compiled from various sources, for a personal tool that I made to search for Unicode characters:

The dictionary is expressed as an array of JavaScript and contains 20,761 definitions. Feel free to take my JavaScript to create a C # dictionary:

Edit: Better yet, here is the text file I used to create my JavaScript. This might be a little easier than parsing to create a C # dictionary. It contains the character code in hexadecimal format, followed by a tab, and then a description of the character.


as stated in the answer to this question Search for a Unicode character name in .Net by @ rik-hemsley

Now it's easier than ever, since there is a package in nuget called Unicode Information

With this, you can simply call:


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