Local database for Silverlight, MonoTouch, MonoDroid and Windows Phone

I am looking for a local database that will work with Silverlight, Windows Phone, MonoDroid and MonoTouch.

My application will probably treat the database as read-only, but I do not want to transcode the data for each platform. (I also close the "..." for XML use only.)

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3 answers

I used the Mono.Data.Sqlite libraries for the versions of my Mono application for Android and MonoTouch and used C # SQLite / Community.CsharpSqlite.SQLiteClient on Windows Phone.

Not all functions are implemented with this version, but most of them are available.

I used a slightly modified version of the sqlite-net library for a really simple ORM. sqlite-net uses P / Invoke, which is not allowed on Windows Phone, so I removed them and replaced them with classes (for example: SqliteCommand) from other libraries.

It's also nice that they have the same method signatures, so all I need to do is:

#if WINDOWS_PHONE using Community.CsharpSqlite.SQLiteClient; #else using Mono.Data.Sqlite; #endif 

I believe sterling db will work, http://sterling.codeplex.com/ . It is worth checking, it is simple but powerful.


Db4 objects seem to be a great database. It works with Java and .NET (can be used with Win Phone). It has both a GPL and a commercial license. This is a database of objects, so ORM, mapping, etc. Not required.



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