Svn: URL Options REPO: Authorization Failed:

I use two commands: 1) svn ls with username and password 2) svn mkdir with username and password. svn ls works without any problems, but svn mkdir fails with the following error message: " svn: OPTIONS" URL REPO: authorization failed: Server authentication failed: rejected main call

Can someone please help me with this? I have looked for this many times. People have reported similar problems, but not exactly the same.

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3 answers

is your https url repo?

in this case, add the following key before the command.

svn --non-interactive --trust-server-cert --username urname --password ******** <command> 

If you have Tortoise SVN installed. Go to settings and clear the cache. It must be under the "saved data". Open the repo browser, accept the certificate and save the password.

what is it!


I only got this with a blank (forgotten) password when using the --password option.


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